Friday 6 December 2013

A Few Tips to Whiten Your Teeth

Many reasons are there which make your teeth yellowish. Some of those are Cigarette smoking, consumption of high amount of tea or coffee and chewing other tobacco products. It is observed that people generally go for teeth whitening to remove the yellow stain from their teeth and get back the dazzling smile.

In this article I am going to share a few teeth whitening tips which will definitely help people to whiten their teeth.

Natural Way to Whiten Your Teeth

It is observed that citrus fruits can work as teeth whitener. Therefore people can use some citrus fruits to whiten their teeth. They can use lemon peel to whiten their teeth. Rubbing teeth with lemon peel gives pearly white smile. People can also use banana peel for teeth whitening purpose.

Use of Baking Soda for Teeth Whitening

Baking soda acts as a great teeth whitening agent. Mix 1 tsp baking soda with hydrogen peroxide to create a paste. Brushing teeth with this paste will definitely help to whiten teeth.

Vinegar As Teeth Whitener

People can use vinegar to whiten their teeth as well. Add a few drops of vinegar with 2 tbsp water to create a solution and brush your teeth with this solution. It will remove stain from your teeth.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Protection from Priodontal Disease

Research has already shown that periodontal disease are closely linked with other diseases like heart disease, stroke, arthritis and many more. Therefore people need to take care of their dental health and try to prevent it. It can affects our gums and other structures which support our teeth. Therefore protection from periodontitis is very essential. Besides regular brushing and flossing people need to follow certain things to prevent periodontal disease. Read More

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Gum Lifting to Enhance Smile

Gum lifting has a huge impact on smile enhancement. Those who have been suffering from gummy smile can easily go for laser gum lifting treatment. This treatment procedure really help people to enhance the beauty of their smile. Even people who have been suffering from gum disease can also avail this treatment facility. Watch this video to know how gum lifting helps to change the shape of our teeth and helps us to improve our appearance.

Saturday 24 August 2013

A Few Tips To Keep Your Gums Healthy & Maintain Good Oral Health

We know that brushing and flossing helps us a lot to keep our teeth clean. It also helps us to prevent any sorts of periodontal disease. But many of us do not know how to keep our gums clean and protect it from any type of infection. People should follow certain tips to protect their gums and prevent periodontal disease.

Healthy Gums

Follow These Steps to Protect Your Gums

Use Mouthwash: Mouthwash plays an important role to keep you gums healthy. Mouthwash can effectively clean the entire part of our mouth. It helps us to clean some other vital parts of our mouth like tongue, palate, the adjoining area of our throat and gum. In this way it helps us to maintain good oral health and keep our gums healthy.

Antioxidant-rich Foods: People are always recommended to take fibrous and antioxidant-rich foods to protect their gums. Try to take antioxidant-rich foods like leafy greens, berries and oranges on daily basis.

Avoid Sticky and Sugar-Coated Foods: People should avoid sticky and sugar coated foods to prevent gum disease. This type of foods can cause tooth decay and lead gum disease.

Brush Regularly: Try to brush your teeth twice daily on a regular basis. But do not brush too hard. Always try to use soft bristle toothbrush because hard bristle toothbrush can cut your gum and make them bleed.

Oil Pulling: Slosh a tablespoon of sunflower or sesame oil in your mouth for 10 -15 minutes and then split it out. This sort of pulling will lubricate your gums.

Thursday 1 August 2013

Top 5 Dental Care Tips To Keep Your Teeth Healthy

If you want to maintain good oral health and keep your teeth healthy then you need to follow certain tips to do so. Try these dental care tips to protect your teeth from any types of dental problems.

Dental Care

Brush Twice A Day: Most of the dentists recommend for their patient to brush twice a day. Brushing helps to keep our teeth clean and remove food particles and plaques.

Floss After Every Meal: Flossing plays an important role to keep our teeth and gum healthy. It is always recommended to floss after every meal to keep our teeth clean and cavity free. Flossing helps us to keep our breath fresh also.

Try to Chew Sugar-Free Gum: Chewing sugar-free gums after meal helps rinse off and neutralize the acids released by bacteria within our mouth.

Avoid Sugary Foods: Excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks can create tooth cavities and damage our tooth.Therefore most of the dentists ask their patient to avoid sugar coated foods and any types of sugary drinks.

Change Your Toothbrush: Most of the dentists ask their patient to change toothbrush every 3 months interval. Changing toothbrush after a certain interval help us to prevent any types of mouth infection and sore throat.